This is A Jae-Habi's review of the opera model equipment holder.

#First line, this is not the imagination...!! The boss goes out drinking for Pokemon ㅋㅋㄱㅋㄱ Oh! I came back hahahaha😵 As soon as I come, I'm going to blow it up in the espresso machine!!ㅋㅋㅋㄱ😵 I can't comment on why, so I'll be posting later! Isn't the worktable cool?!😂 Arttystation! There is also a painting workbench~~! . . It became natural!😏 . . #Gundam Cafe     #gundamcafe   #Speaking   #Sensuous   #Butterfly   #Hobbies   #Gundam   #Figure   #hobby   #Gundam Cafe   #Bandai   #Gundam base   #confabulation   #Hoegi Station #Hoegi Cafe   #bench   #msa0011   #exsgundam # tangerine #Arttystation   #'arttystation'

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