Additional ideas for a versatile compact cradle

These days, figures-makers carry a lot of tools, such as paints and brushes, when they attend classes or gather at Jeongmo.

How about making a portable cabinet for those people?
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Arttystation Profile image


Thanks for the good comment.

Usually, when such members carry paints, brushes, and tools, how much is that amount?

It is not difficult to make, but the most worrying is how much to make a compromise on the size and storage amount.


Usually, when I go to class and get dressed

2-30 paints, 5-10 brushes, water bottles, pallets, sponges, etc. are the main weapons

In addition to that, I also pack a surfacer, clear, and thinner.

If you add it to it, you may also bring an assembly tool such as a nipper and art knife.

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