Purchased at Harbe Fair...related to parts

After receiving the product and inspecting it, this part is damaged.

Well... I just attached it with a glue gun...

I don't know how long I can go...

And this part remains.. Where are you using this?

No matter how much I searched the manual, this part didn't come out...

And please tell us the size of the LEDs to be installed in the booth..

I told you to tell me the purchase URL...

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Arttystation Profile image


Hello? Arttystation.

The corners must have been damaged during shipping.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will resend the plate immediately today.

And the little wooden stick you mentioned,
It is a part used when combining multiple modules.
If you purchase and use additional modules other than the booth you are using, you can combine those modules through the corresponding mock heart^^

And the LED that is good to use inside the booth
(Option 2 product recommendation)

Most of the bar-type LEDs that are attached to the side like Link's products go well with ^ ^

Thank you!

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