Regarding option selection when ordering concert

Can I replace the paint cabinet paint plates in the product for 18ml Vallejo acrylic as many as I want? If possible, we plan to do so and order later today.

Please confirm.
Thank you.

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Hello? Arttystation.

First of all, thank you very much for being interested in our Arttystation and leaving a question like this^^

Unfortunately, it is a little difficult to change the composition of the exclusive paint plate for the concert you inquired about because it is a structure where the whole is stamped out of one wooden plate at once.

Instead, you can add additional paint plates that are produced separately at a low price.

Currently, the paint plate for concert is out of stock, so it will take about a week.

When it is in stock, we will contact Minhyuk Yoon separately.

Thank you ^^


Thank you for your confirmation! If it is in stock after next week, we will order it with an additional paint plate.

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